Enlarged in 1928. Information from October, 2007 EAS prepared by Wall & Associates, Inc., 330 West 42nd Street.
HOPE ST, BROOKLYN. - W. A. Stoddard [sic], 31 Union sq, Manhattan, has completed plans for a 7-sty brick [sic] factory for J. Cavanagh. 616 Bedford av, to be situated on the north side of Hope st, 80 ft. east of Roebling st, Brooklyn, to cost $50,000. Slag roof, steam heat, etc. 1
Cavanagh's patent scaffolding, "The Nonpareil," has been in general use the past four years on practically all the large buildings erected in Greater New York and vicinity, and has given the utmost satisfaction in every single instance. There is no question regarding its strength and durability, as no accident of any kind has ever happened during its use. "THE NONPAREIL." The steel cables which hold the platforms are tested to a strain of five tons, and have stood a strain of three and one-half tons in actual use. The steel cables wind on drums from right to left and the reverse, thereby distributing the strain evenly. It "doubles the speed of erection" and can be erected so that ten stories can be carried up without stopping the work. It can be regulated by hand and has no ropes to entangle the feet of the workman, thereby giving him a clear platform and enabling the contractor to employ more workmen on a building without losing any of their time. A remarkable piece of work was accomplished by its use in the B building of the Hudson and Manhattan Terminal Building, where seven stories were carried up in nine days, which equals the laying of 230.000 front brick. A few of the recent building operations using the Cavanagh patent scaffolding, with the number of machines used, are as follows: Hudson and Manhattan Terminal, 223; City Investing. 107; Singer. IG; Royal Insurance. 50; Trinity, 8; Trust Co. of America, GO; U. S. Express, 7S; West St.. 60; World. 50; Engineers' Club, 54; Hoffman House, 28; Van Schaick, 22; Second National Bank, 17; Forty-flrst St. Terminal. 30; Seligman, 15. Complete information in reference to this scaffolding can be obtained from the New York Patent Scaffold Co., 17 Hope st, Brooklyn. N. Y. 2
55 Hope Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
United States
Owner name
James Cavanaugh