
Children's Mission, Greenpoint

This building at 125 Eagle Street looks like it was once something, and sure enough it was. It was built in 1891 as the Children's Mission, a project of the Greenpoint Reformed Church on Kent Street. The Mission was established on November 20, 1881 as a Sunday school occupying a storefront on Eagle Street. The school quickly grew, adding rooms in a nearby building, but by 1883 those accommodations were already insufficient and the children of the school began raising money for a new building. Over the course of seven or eight years the students raised about $1,500.

Public Bath #4

In the early 20th Century bathhouses were constructed throughout Brooklyn to provide hygiene to residents in areas that lacked baths, and sometimes even plumbing, in their homes. The Huron Street bathhouse was the fourth of seven public baths constructed in Brooklyn between 1900 and 1910.